The 1P color for 5th MZD is reused for this remix. The only thing setting it apart from the player sprite is the screen in the background, bearing animations related to the remix. These feature another pop'n character, Rie-chan. more info soon.
This is a remix of "Love Is Strong To The Sky" from pop'n music 2. More info soon.
「ポップンシリーズの中でも懐かしの1曲を、ズバッ!とトラック切り刻んで 音を汚しまくって、「キョーレツ和風Dance Tune」にしてみました(笑)。
ちゃんと後ろで鳴ってるDrum n' Bassのリズム、全部和楽器なんですヨ。
なんかお祭りみたいで楽しいですよネ。」(村井聖夜, Seiya Murai)
Note: these gifs were created by recording footage from "pop'n music peace". Because of this, there may be particles that are apart of the ui design, not the sprite itself.