This is MZD's color palette used to temporarily replace DINO in pop'n music 2. As such, this palette is based off of colors from Dino's sprite. This was also a selectable character, but only during this version of the game (along with the other MZD replacement sprites). No unique name icon is used, instead the same name icon is shared with the associated 1P MZD (see the image above [soon]). The sprite also does not have it's own unique portrait, character select icon, nor chara pop icon. These are assets that were made and used in later versions of the game.
(*** Designer comments did not come in until later versions of pop'n.)
Animations associated with FEVER WIN, OJAMA, and OJAMA DANCE are not available for this version of MZD simply because these were mechanics not used in this version of the game.
Note: these gifs were created by recording footage from "pop'n music 2".